Community » Forum » Announcements » Small September Patch

MoneyGame Staff
Some changes made recently:

Quoting Changelog:
- Boost drinks maximum reduced to 5 per day
- NPC retail store purchases are now based on the same index as the amount of droid workers, instead of city population
- Time to death is longer (1% lost health instead of 2% per day)
- Droid workers increased from 200 to 400
- Banks must keep at least 50% of deposited money amount in cash

There are currently some problems with the e-mail system, so account activation etc. e-mails are not being sent, but this should be fixed soon.
Tycoon   VIP
Can anyone explain to me what the second one means. I'm dumb X_X
Millionaire   VIP
What factors determine where NPC purchase items?

Is it possible to provide a generated report of npc purchases?
Date, Item type, item amount, (total amount spent in USD)
Mogul   VIP
Quoting fnx5STvz:
What factors determine where NPC purchase items?

Is it possible to provide a generated report of npc purchases?
Date, Item type, item amount, (total amount spent in USD)

Would also love that🙌
Mogul   VIP
Quoting Matth99:
Can anyone explain to me what the second one means. I'm dumb X_X

I think that means that the NPC buy the items from the cheapest store, no matter which city...🤔
Mogul   VIP
Quoting AppleStore:
[quote=Matth99]Can anyone explain to me what the second one means. I'm dumb X_X

I think that means that the NPC buy the items from the cheapest store, no matter which city...🤔[/quote]

Wait, read it again and I think I misunderstood it. I think it means that before the update, the amount of purchases in a city was calculated based on the population (so a city with many people like Helsinki would get much more purchases then a city with less people like New York 30/120). But now after the update, the amount of purchases will be the same as the amount of NPC workers (400). But I don't know if a city with a higher population still will have a higher percentage of those purchases, or how the Formel is.
Mogul   VIP
Are you sure the amount of NPC workers are increased? Because when I check my companies it stand that I need to offer a wage of 46 USD to get NPC workers (the same as before the update).
Millionaire   VIP
Quoting AppleStore:
Are you sure the amount of NPC workers are increased? Because when I check my companies it stand that I need to offer a wage of 46 USD to get NPC workers (the same as before the update).

Amount is indeed increased, wage requirements remain the same.
Millionaire   VIP
Quoting Changelog:
- Boost drinks maximum reduced to 5 per day
- NPC retail store purchases are now based on the same index as the amount of droid workers, instead of city population
- Time to death is longer (1% lost health instead of 2% per day)
- Droid workers increased from 200 to 400
- Banks must keep at least 50% of deposited money amount in cash

Nice changes, how do you feel about NPC's requiring / wanting to rent appartments? (obviously within price limits)

Also, how is the bank deposit requirement enforced?
- What happens when the cash drops below 50% due to interest on deposits?
- What happens to the 'old' banks with fake/high interest (unpayable) deposits within the billions?
- Where can a bank view the total amount of deposits / interest payments of the following updates to help meet the requirement?
- How are loans calculated into this requirement? I.e. will a bank only be able to loan out up to 50% of deposits?
- What happens when a large deposit gets withdrawn? For example: bank with 20K in cash deposits, loans out 10K (50%) then someone withdraws 10K -- bank ends up with 10K deposits and a 10K receiveable but 0 cash.
Millionaire   VIP
Quoting fnx5STvz:
What factors determine where NPC purchase items?

Is it possible to provide a generated report of npc purchases?
Date, Item type, item amount, (total amount spent in USD)

It's been explained before:
NPC buys retail products randomly a few times a day (usually around 8 times a day), the amount is dependable on population (new: on amount of npc workers).
There are different price limits for each product the NPC buys and store is mainly based on price (with some randomness factored in).
The amount it buys has now changed to the same amount in each city, rather than based on the population within that city.
(Suggestion: Factor in both to still have city population matter slightly, to keep apartments useful?)

I would like to have an overview within the retail company that shows what each store that it owns sold (only viewable to CEO / directors).
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