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Businessman   VIP
You know what, for now. Instead of private messaging me, lets keep the conversation here. For learning to code, an online course is khan academy for HTML and js. And if you wish, I can supply material. And I was also basing my assumption on elementary based on my younger brother in 4th grade.
Businessman   VIP
I wonder if Admin will see how much his community wants to help.
Mogul   VIP
Is it possible to send materials here 🤔?
Well for me I've completed html, css, js and am starting python next week
Mogul   VIP
The Admin is very unpredictable you know, maybe he will maybe he won't but I trust he will
Businessman   VIP
I meant past materials into the forum. How have you been coding for a month, and already completed HTML CSS and js?
Businessman   VIP
I am currently writing some code to show everyone.
Businessman   VIP
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--Html consists of tags. most html documents have html as the base tag.-->
<!--The head tag containes page info, like the title, icon and more.-->
<head> <!--This is a comment, it does not do anything. It just is like info.-->
<title>This is the title. It is the browser title</title>
<!--The body containes the actual web page. This containes all the elements that are displayed.-->
<h1>This is a title, h1 is a header.</h1>
<h2>Smaller header, these go from h1-h6</h2>
<h6>Smallest header.</h6>
<p>This is paragraph text.</p>
<button>This is a button</button>
Businessman   VIP
Put that in a html file, use any text editor, most of the time index.html is used. Then double click it and it should open in a browser.
Businessman   VIP
Github is essentialy developer social media, just instead of pics and vids, there is code. My account is mastercoder1323.
Mogul   VIP
I've not fully completed js
That's some good code 👌
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