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Businessman   VIP
i've started on a shop game but it's not finished or halfway done because of procrastination
Businessman   VIP
I have a similar ailment: starting something, then starting another thing, and forgetting about the first thing.
Businessman   VIP
i have more of i start something get a roadblock then lose any motivation to do stuff with the first thing
Businessman   VIP
I understand
Mogul   VIP
Am not good at starting anything, I'll rather maintain someone's else work
Businessman   VIP
Well, that is the final plan if the admin ever decides to let us help.
Mogul   VIP
I don't really know, maybe just follow through with his ways
Mogul   VIP
He should really accept the help though, it'll make the game better
Businessman   VIP
He says he doesn't feel comfortable sharing the code with people he doesn't know. I wonder if he has read this forum. Also, I asked what framework he used a while ago since most advanced programs like these use a JS framework instead of plain HTML and JS. Popular frameworks include Next.js, React Vue, sveltekit, and more. And I feel that he should accept the help, if he is worried about us destroying the code, he could create a copy of the code and give us access to the copy. If he is scared of us stealing the code... Well, he isn't making any money off of it yet.
Businessman   VIP
i fell like just giving us a copy would be the best solution but i think he doesn't want us to have access so we can't mess with it and say give one of us like a million dollars or a bunch of land
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