Community » Forum » Feedback » Small improvements

Millionaire   VIP
About the general overviews:

Figured I'm a shitty designer so hopefully you'll get the twist when typed out:


Make a list with the item, total amount, and an option for a dropdown:
Food ----- 500 --- + >
Med kits -- 50 --- + >
Boost ----- 10 --- + >

When pressing on the +, a drop down with company names (clickable, with share %) will show and next to that will show:
- Amount of item at the company
- Type of company (retail / production etc)
- Name of the CEO of the company
- Trade option buy/sell -> straight to exchange with values (apart from amount / price) filled in.

Possibly add filters such as:
CEO (yes/no)
Director (yes/no)
>50% shares (yes/no)


Depending on whether you're planning on staying at 3 currencies, or more:
Incase you're sticking with 3:
List of companies (shares%):
- showing the following values: USD / EUR($ USD VALUE) / BRL ($ USD VALUE) - Total in USD
- Type of companny
- Name of the CEO of the company

Incase you're planning on adding a whole lot more than 3:
Make a list again - but with currencies, same idea, though, add the exchange rate and USD worth (much like in assets interface).
- Amount of currency at the company
- Type of company (retail / production etc)
- Name of the CEO of the company

Possibly add filters such as:
CEO (yes/no)
Director (yes/no)
>50% shares (yes/no)

Current financials overview (which companies have), but with include all the companies you own shares in, with the following filters:
- % shares
- Director (yes/no)
- CEO (yes/no)

Calculate it based on the % shares you own.

Much like the inventories with a dropdown showing:
- Amount of item sold per company
- value the items are sold for: USD / EUR($USD / BRL($USD) - Total in USD
- buy/sell option

Same filters.

Other than that, please fix the asset value:
Total assets - debt = net worth (this can be negative)!
Just FYI: for banks 'deposits' are debt and loans are assets.

-> would be awesome to 'liquidate' companies with negative net worth for 30 days, owner would get a notification if negative.
Liquidation would -> sell items on exchange to pay off debt.
If debts aren't paid -> auction the company to pay off debt as much as possible.
Rest of the debt should be hauled from the moyority share holder (if >50%), debt stays on the them if they can't pay it off.
People who loaned them money would get notifications about the upcomming liquidation 7 days ahead.
Mogul   VIP
Smart plan, it’s good.
Good feedback XCDC,

- Managing a lot of companies is time consuming, need to click on each individual company -> manage, etc. just go get the information about your assets. Included in the list of assets should be information about how much money you are depositing to banks.
- A way for a company to give a salary increase/decrease and bonus based on performance.
- Not necessary agreeing with removing the captcha as that could increase bots, it may be interesting to disable the captcha if you have worked at the company for x length of time.

An indication of the health of the ecosystem would be interesting. Some ways could be providing some statistics (current active users, count of users logged in during the last 24 hours, number of jobs worked per day)
Mogul   VIP
Quoting rostant:
Good feedback XCDC,

- Managing a lot of companies is time consuming, need to click on each individual company -> manage, etc. just go get the information about your assets. Included in the list of assets should be information about how much money you are depositing to banks.
- A way for a company to give a salary increase/decrease and bonus based on performance.
- Not necessary agreeing with removing the captcha as that could increase bots, it may be interesting to disable the captcha if you have worked at the company for x length of time.

An indication of the health of the ecosystem would be interesting. Some ways could be providing some statistics (current active users, count of users logged in during the last 24 hours, number of jobs worked per day)

Rostant, I agree with you.
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