About the general overviews:
Figured I'm a shitty designer so hopefully you'll get the twist when typed out:
Make a list with the item, total amount, and an option for a dropdown:
Food ----- 500 --- + >
Med kits -- 50 --- + >
Boost ----- 10 --- + >
When pressing on the +, a drop down with company names (clickable, with share %) will show and next to that will show:
- Amount of item at the company
- Type of company (retail / production etc)
- Name of the CEO of the company
- Trade option buy/sell -> straight to exchange with values (apart from amount / price) filled in.
Possibly add filters such as:
CEO (yes/no)
Director (yes/no)
>50% shares (yes/no)
Depending on whether you're planning on staying at 3 currencies, or more:
Incase you're sticking with 3:
List of companies (shares%):
- showing the following values: USD / EUR($ USD VALUE) / BRL ($ USD VALUE) - Total in USD
- Type of companny
- Name of the CEO of the company
Incase you're planning on adding a whole lot more than 3:
Make a list again - but with currencies, same idea, though, add the exchange rate and USD worth (much like in assets interface).
- Amount of currency at the company
- Type of company (retail / production etc)
- Name of the CEO of the company
Possibly add filters such as:
CEO (yes/no)
Director (yes/no)
>50% shares (yes/no)
Current financials overview (which companies have), but with include all the companies you own shares in, with the following filters:
- % shares
- Director (yes/no)
- CEO (yes/no)
Calculate it based on the % shares you own.
Much like the inventories with a dropdown showing:
- Amount of item sold per company
- value the items are sold for: USD / EUR($USD / BRL($USD) - Total in USD
- buy/sell option
Same filters.
Other than that, please fix the asset value:
Total assets - debt = net worth (this can be negative)!
Just FYI: for banks 'deposits' are debt and loans are assets.
-> would be awesome to 'liquidate' companies with negative net worth for 30 days, owner would get a notification if negative.
Liquidation would -> sell items on exchange to pay off debt.
If debts aren't paid -> auction the company to pay off debt as much as possible.
Rest of the debt should be hauled from the moyority share holder (if >50%), debt stays on the them if they can't pay it off.
People who loaned them money would get notifications about the upcomming liquidation 7 days ahead.