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Wtf, the top player got x2 net worth in 2 weeks? How did you do it? Please share some tips. I wanna get rich too!
Millionaire   VIP
Compounding interest?
pretty easy when its a dead game and you own everything
plus you can hide money in the exchange and it removes it from your net worth
It's actually by prices going up. For example I'm sitting on over a thousand pieces of food. When they go from $1 to $3 on the exchange that triples their value within my net worth calculation.

I'm sure his cash reserves are actually decreasing as he's trying to help other players by providing higher paying jobs.
Millionaire   VIP
Quoting TekkNin:
It's actually by prices going up. For example I'm sitting on over a thousand pieces of food. When they go from $1 to $3 on the exchange that triples their value within my net worth calculation.

I'm sure his cash reserves are actually decreasing as he's trying to help other players by providing higher paying jobs.

Yup, exactly this.

Also when you put money on foreign banks the game for some reason decreases your net worth, while if a player deposits on your bank you gain net worth. So it's kind of an odd figure in this game for now. Maybe a good suggestion for Gluten to fix it :)
BillM, the food bank and Medicaid have kicked in for you.

Kodfidhkod, you're right. The game [color=#000000]needs[/color] some more development to be fixed, but trying to grow the economy will allow me and hopefully you guys to get a little more fun out of what we have
Mogul   VIP
I need high paying job, like 30 dollars and bigger money. Please?
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