Help » Game Manual » Using bank services

Banks in the game provide savings accounts and loans. You can find banks via Community » All Companies. Select "Bank" from the "All Types" dropdown. On the actual bank page, all bank services provided to customers are under the "Bank Services" tab.


You can deposit money to a bank via the "Bank Services" tab, both as a private person or as a company that you are a director of. Click on the "Deposit Money" button, and a form will show up, where you can see the current daily interest rate the bank offers. When you deposit money you will keep that same interest rate until you withdraw all money from the bank. Note that depositing money in a bank carries a certain risk, as there is no guarantee that the bank will be able to afford your withdrawal request at a later date! Banks may or may not accept deposits in all currencies.

When you have deposited money in a bank, you can see those deposits on your Money & Items page, and on the Bank Services page. To withdraw money from the bank, simply click the "withdraw" link on the Bank Services page and enter the amount you wish to withdraw.


Under the same "Bank Services" tab you can apply for a loan. Click on the "Apply for Loan" button, select the entity you want to loan as, and enter the amount of money you want to loan. Once the application is sent, a director of the bank will review the loan and propose an interest rate as well as a daily installment amount. The director may also outright reject the loan application if he or she sees fit.

If a bank director accepts your loan, you will see the proposed interest and installment amounts, which you have to either accept or reject under the "Bank Services" tab. If you accept the loan terms, you will immediately get the money. Every day, the debt amount will increase per the interest rate, and you will automatically pay back a part of the loan (the installment amount).

As with deposits, you can see your loans on your Money & Items page, and on the Bank Services page.