Well things are slow. Of course the main focus should be balancing the economy.
There's a lot of factors and problems right now and I don't completely blame the developer because I'm seeing new players not making some good decisions. With this thing in beta it's way too soon to guide anyone and I'm not a money guru at all so I can only observe and guess.
Suggestions for the game:
-Add more achievements with awards. (For example: Title achievements, player networth, company networth, Pay back a loan award, sell so many items on exchange, work so many times etc.)
It may be hard to add this at the current state of the economy but awards keeps players interested in continuing to play.
-Let companies be sold to the game for a percent of their value and raise startup costs.
-Hide asking and bidding prices and just give an average. (Not sure about this one tbh but would like to hear thoughts)
-Stop the battle of wages. Players just jump to whatever company is paying the most which is killing the economy more than you may think. Maybe add perks for certain companies that can be bought by the director(Example: Health Insurance for medical -reduce chance of getting the flu and health loss; Energy Boost for food-get more energy from food packs.), limit the amount of people a company can hire, add requirements for certain companies
To the players:
-Work a couple days until you get a good amount to invest in a company. Don't rush to get one. Banks are risky right now but it can give passive income.
-Use math. Money is numbers you need math.
-Only gamble what you can afford to lose (you really need to be told this? Nevermind don't gamble)
-Dont apply for a loan until you have a plan and enough money saved up to execute that plan without using all your loaned money.
-Dont give loans to everyone that applies especially if you see they already have a big debt.
Just suggestions. I really don't care what you do because at the end of the day all the faults make people learn and make the game better. But there's a long way to go...