Community » Forum » Feedback » Unable to afford food (< vs <=)


I've hit tough times, the flu's nearly finished me off financially and I resorted to siphoning funds from my company to buy medicine & food.

I believe there's a small logic error in the retail shops' check on whether you can afford an item as, despite having exactly $7, I was informed that I didn't have enough funds to buy a $7 food package.

I expect the check is `if (price < funds) ...`, but should be `if (price <= funds) ...`

I managed to find a few coins down the back of the sofa, so I'm OK but I thought I'd mention it.
What shop are you buying from? The shop I found that sells at $7 has a fee:

Items Total: USD 7
Delivery Fees: Inter-city delivery fee EUR 10 + Inter-country delivery fee EUR 20
Grand Total: USD 7 + EUR 30
Amazon in Finland:

I'm a resident of Helsinki so there's no fees involved.
Yes, i find myself only balanced with few dollar profit, after working x5 time and purchasing food.

I think the working wages are too low, for us.
Millionaire   VIP
Quoting Verno:
Yes, i find myself only balanced with few dollar profit, after working x5 time and purchasing food.

I think the working wages are too low, for us.

Yup, but that's sadly offset due to the very limited economy, without demand for products people don't need as many workers etc.

Haven't seen a post from Gluten in the last week so, hopefully he's working on some updates to stimulate the economy :-)