Community » Forum » Announcements » September 2023 Update

MoneyGame Staff
Hello everybody!

A new MoneyGame update has just been released!

Improvements to the in-game ad system
Now there are 25 background colors to choose from.

You will be able to see a preview of the advertisement box directly on the ad editing page.

New stuff for working system
The Available Jobs page now displays the job wages. They are shown both in the employing company's local currency (which is what you get paid with) and with conversion to your default currency (USD by default).

Wage bonuses have been introduced to the game! You can now add up to 10 bonus tiers to your resource production company, based on how many days a worker has been working at your company in a row. You can for example give a 50% wage bonus to a worker every time they work 3 days in a row.

Blackjack game added
Now you can lose your money by playing blackjack under Business > Gambling > Blackjack. Please let me know if there are any corner cases where the winner is not determined correctly.

Players can create auctions
You can now place land on auction under Business > Auction. Currently you can only create offers as a private person, creation by companies is planned for later. It will also be possible to sell company shares on auction in the future, but it is currently disabled until we can solve some possible scamming scenarios.

Small changes
- The company net worth requirement for IPO has been increased to USD 200 000.
- Changes to hosting of fonts and scripts to comply with GDPR regulations and ensure proper privacy of website visitors.
- Various small design tweaks.

In the next update we are hoping to introduce some new company types. If you have any new company type ideas, please let us know!

Millionaire   VIP
Thank you
Mogul   VIP