Community » Forum » Feedback » Admin, what is going on?

Dear Admin,

You go online at least a couple of times every week, yet nothing is happening.

You broke your promise of releasing the second part of Chicago, which was supposed to release shortly after the last update.
You broke your promise of providing regular updates to this game.
You broke your promise of fixing the economy, with sustainable solutions instead of quick fixes that just make it worse in the long run

So I have but one question for you; what do you do when you get online? Are you working on your game, or just working your worker jobs? Giving yourself some money? What is it? What do you do?

I think it is safe to say that this game has died and will not see success, it will not see what it could be by now. This game had so much potential, but it was wasted with bad decisions on your side.

So please, we all that are left in this game have one question we beg to be answered by you, one small thing we ask of you, nothing more.

Are you continuing to develop this game, or have you given up yourself?

Don't worry, you don't have to get up and actually do something significant to answer this question, all you have to do is log in like you always do, and type a few words answering the question. Nothing more, that's it.

So please answer it and stop wasting our time. We are sick of it, and I am pretty sure I speak for all of us that are left when I say that.
MoneyGame Staff
I'm here almost every day just to check what's going on and who's been around.

Game development has stagnated for now, but the plan is to get back to it again soon and work on some new cool updates.

The game doesn't make me any money (actually it's a loss because of domain and server fees), so I don't feel like there is a huge obligation yet.
Mogul   VIP
Hey admin, this is your game, man try and improve and stop saying you don't feel like there is a huge obligation
Mogul   VIP
Hey admin, this is your game, man try and improve and stop saying you don't feel like there is a huge obligation
Millionaire   VIP
I think I understand the admin, what he wants to say is that he don't earn any money from it.

So he don't have to update it that much
Mogul   VIP
I get you now
Businessman   VIP
If the Admin isnt making money from it, so he isn't updating it, why not let those of us in the game community who know how to code update it. I have plenty of free time I could spend working on programming a fun game like this.
Millionaire   VIP
Yeh, i was thinking the same thing too
Businessman   VIP
If he was making money, then he wouldn't want to let other developers work on it, as it would be proprietary software, but with him not making any money on it, then there is absolutely no loss in letting us work on the code.