Community » Forum » Announcements » Update Released, Nov 4th!

MoneyGame Staff
We have just released an update to the game. This update brings various new technical features, full changelist included below.

We'll start working on the next update right away! Any player feedback and ideas are very welcome.

Quoting Changelog:
- Added possibility to IPO your company! (20000 USD company net worth required)
- Added possibility to edit company ads
- Added "Add as Friend" button to player profile page
- Adjusted tab sorting a little bit under Company Management
- Added dividends payment system
- Added auctioning system - land with no owners will be auctioned here, as well as the shares of dead players
- Added credit rating to player profile page
- Adjusted coloring of ingame ads to be more visible
- Adjusted main menu (dropdowns and categorization)
- When working, the energy loss has been increased from 2% to 4%, to boost the economy a little bit
- Added CEO level of employment to companies
- Made various other fixes and tweaks
- Capped bank deposit interest at 1%

We have also added a VIP option. For the fair price of 1€ you get VIP for 30 days. We will expand the features for VIP members later. We'll try our best to not make it a pay-to-win system. Any feedback regarding VIP access is also welcome!

Quoting VIP Features:
- Ability to hide ingame ads.
- Ability to hold 10 worker jobs instead of just 5.
- Friends list limit increased from 100 to 500.
- Support the future of the game!

MoneyGame Team
Millionaire   VIP

I like that you made some changes, most of them seem like good additions.

Although you should really think about creating a sustainable economy in the game before implementing things as VIP features.

The biggest problems that make the game unplayable:
- Factories can only sell to the exchange or through 'private' trades (not to consumers),
- The few players who own the few pieces of land are the only ones who can serve consumers,
- The few players who own land can create their own supplies so they don't need to buy anything from other players.
- Anyone who doesn't own land can only make 'money' by 'working' (as there is no demand for products from factories).
Basically, there is zero demand for any products, definitely not for anyone who doesn't own land.

Besides that:
- There are very few products.
- There is very little use for most products,
- There is very little use for cement once buildings are build,
- Land owned by 'dead' players are still owned by their 'dead' companies.

Any amount of 'new' players will not fix any of the above - it would just add a little value to the few who own land (if they feel like playing a work button simulator long enough to need food).

I really think this game has a lot of potential, you made a great looking website with great trading, banking and advertising systems (even the VIP payment systems are well designed).
The game is just missing a sustainable economy to make it playable.

As soon as you:
- delay any additions the the VIP functions until you reach a bigger player base,
- update the game a lot more frequently (sad to say this isn't exactly a massive update, 11 months after the last),
- share insights about how you will create a sustainable economy and,
- how you will attract a bigger and sustainable player base
Then I will gladly support the game.

PS. Also please allow me to remove the notification to 'like on facebook'.
MoneyGame Staff
Thank you for your feedback, it's very valuable!

Quoting XDCD:
Although you should really think about creating a sustainable economy in the game before implementing things as VIP features.
Rest assured that we are not wasting too much time on the VIP features. It was a quick addition the game, which might add a bit "seriousness" to it all in my opinion.

Quoting XDCD:
The biggest problems that make the game unplayable:
- Factories can only sell to the exchange or through 'private' trades (not to consumers),
- The few players who own the few pieces of land are the only ones who can serve consumers,
- The few players who own land can create their own supplies so they don't need to buy anything from other players.
- Anyone who doesn't own land can only make 'money' by 'working' (as there is no demand for products from factories).
Basically, there is zero demand for any products, definitely not for anyone who doesn't own land.

Besides that:
- There are very few products.
- There is very little use for most products,
- There is very little use for cement once buildings are build,
- Land owned by 'dead' players are still owned by their 'dead' companies.
The game is designed in the way that land is necessary, giving better a better piece of land more retail store customers, etc. Of course this does not work if all land is owned by a few people. We will add more land in the near future. Also, companies owned by dead players are now auctioned under the Auction system, so if any of them own land, you can acquire them now.

Ideas for more products and what their application would be are welcome! :-)

Quoting XDCD:
I really think this game has a lot of potential, you made a great looking website with great trading, banking and advertising systems (even the VIP payment systems are well designed).
Thank you! Really nice that some appreciates the work I've done!

Quoting XDCD:
The game is just missing a sustainable economy to make it playable.

As soon as you:
- delay any additions the the VIP functions until you reach a bigger player base,
- update the game a lot more frequently (sad to say this isn't exactly a massive update, 11 months after the last),
- share insights about how you will create a sustainable economy and,
- how you will attract a bigger and sustainable player base
Then I will gladly support the game.
The update is not big indeed, this was made quite quickly. I'll do my best to release updates more often from now on. I agree the system needs more work to make the economy sustainable. Any ideas on how to improve that?

Quoting XDCD:
PS. Also please allow me to remove the notification to 'like on facebook'.
Just click the link and come back - it doesn't verify that you actually liked us on Facebook. :-)
Millionaire   VIP
Im glad to hear the VIP features aren't a priority and that you're planning to update the game more frequently.
I also appreciate your quick reply and positive view on the feedback.

Since you asked for a couple suggestions here are some 'simple' ideas that I think could improve the economy ;)

Couple problems and suggestions about 'land';
- Adding more, but still limited, land is just delaying the problem.
- Adding more land 'plots / buttons' in the current state would take a lot of clicks to find the best shops / apartments (not effective).

Tax - tax land owners for the plots they have, possibly an exponentional increase in tax for owning more plots in one city (with a higher tax for empty plots that aren't under construction).

Unlimited, but exponentionally more expensive, land. Rather than creating more (than the current 25) plots, divide it into a couple districts, each district will have unlimited land, but it will be exponentionally more expensive for the buyer based on the amount of plots they bought in that city, thus creating a virtual limit that will increase as the game progresses. It will also help 'newer' players to be able to progress.
Keep the same concept with shopping in district free of delivery, outside delivery costs apply. Make the retail/apartments in the district searchable (list form?) to easily find the best apartments/shops, this increases price competition in the district.

Now I know taxes and buying land actually remove money from the game in the current state. We also need money going into the game.

In reality an economy is based on debt, more debt increases the supply and flow of money, allowing banks to 'invest / lend' a multiplyer of their assets would sort-of achieve that, but since banks aren't (and most likely can't be) regulated in this game it would likely increase manipulation and scams. So instead of that, we need something else.

There are multiple ways to add money to the economy but here is one of them:
'AI' customers, each district will have a couple of customers who have some money to spend, the amount of customers can be based on many things but to keep it simple, the amount of players active in the district. So for example; you add 1000 customers in the game:
District / player- population / customers
NJ1 / 30 / 300
NJ2 / 20 / 200
NJ3 / 10 / 100

FIN1 / 20 / 200
FIN2 / 10 / 100
FIN3 / 10 / 100

The amount the customers can spend can be based on the total supply of money in the game, 1% per day or .025% per hour or whatever frequency you would like (depending on the implementation whether the transactions require much resources). 1%/ day on a total supply of 1M USD means they add a total of 10K daily, so each customer can then spend 10 USD each per day. (exchange used automatically to decide amounts in Finland/ Brazil).
They will spend it on consumer products based on var% or set% depending on how easy it is to randomize.
Food 30-40%
Med 20-30%
Electricity 20-30%
Cement 10-20%

* obviously it always adds up to a maximum of 100%.
To keep it simple, they will spend it on the cheapest available products in the district and will save up any unspend cash.
If possible - allow the customers to take jobs - where the returns from the jobs increase the amount they can spend.

About the production and items; we need bigger production chains, from raw products to consumer products.
Food doesn't magically appear in a factory, but is usually fished or farmed before being processed and packaged in factories.
Raw products usually require a big investment and deliver a limited amount.
To start, create (expensive) fishing bases, farms, etc. and require raw products in factories, create bigger production lines from from raw to consumer products.
To allow companies to get started make sure there is plenty of supply of each raw product on the exchange at a competitive price.

These are just some thoughts on things that shouldn't be extremely complex to implement but could help the game form some sort of sustainable economy.
Obviously further improvements and additions will be needed.
Millionaire   VIP
Other than the above, a couple pointers on today's update:
- Add links to the companies in auctions so it'll be easier to find out what you're bidding on.
- Possibly add some sort of 'value' (cash + inventory) to the auctions list.

- Add a shareholder vote for daily/weekly dividends (increase investors value).

- What can they do?
- Can I make someone CEO without them being able to send off money or pay huge salaries (i.e. rip me off)?
Maybe allow the director to accept/reject each mutation the CEO wants to make, and/or, set brackets in which they can decide.

PS. Small bug, when setting an advertisement to link to 'bank services page' it links to the dashboard when clicking on it instead of going to the banks page.
MoneyGame Staff
- Added estimated worth to all shares sold on the Auction page
- Fixed bug with bank services target page not working properly (update you ads to take this change into use)
- Only directors/CEOs can decide about dividends, and it will stay that now
- CEO is a rank higher than director, so you should probably just make yourself CEO rather than trusting anyone else.

I also read your earlier, longer post. I think it has some useful feedback and ideas that I will try to put into use in the coming updates.
Millionaire   VIP
Nice one, thanks for the info and quick fix!

Hope to see more updates soon. :-)
Millionaire   VIP
Few more small issues and suggestions:
- CEO of a bank doesn't get the notifications from loan applications like the director does.
- The added 'estimated value' column on auctions doesn't show up on mobile (vertical view), no scroll bar (does show on horizontal view).
- Possibly extend auctions by a few minutes if the last bid is within X min of ending, keep extending till no bids for X minutes.
- Add a notification when you're outbid on an auction and/or when winning an auction.
- Possibly show Director / CEO jobs separate from worker jobs in the 'companies & jobs' window (much like how 'owned companies' is separate).
- When advertising it has the option to advertise on the 'business index' page, if this is the 'all companies' page it doesn't show the ads.
- Everyone has a 'credit rating' that says: 100% of 5 payments' (even dead players), that doesn't seem right.
I'm new but I honestly think once the land situation is fixed, things will start moving much better for the economy of this game. Once you get to the point of having companies, you're at a standstill because you have nothing to offer to the rich people that can produce everything with their own companies.

My suggestions:

-Adding more helps but there needs to be limitations to stop monopolies. Monopolies suck I'm bad at that game xD
-Create values for items based on how much money is moving in the game and possibly add minimum/maximum values to sell items. I personally don't like min/max in games but it can be changed later once things are more balanced.
-Add more cheap items that's needed and can be bought from the game rather than a player owned company. Put a limit on how much of these items are available at a time and how much you can buy and allow it to be traded. This can be another way for new players to make cash.
-Maybe make it possible to sell items to the game? There will be less profit than from selling to players but until there's actually more players to buy the stuff piling up it can be a solution.
-Add a way to sort auctions by company, place, etc.

Some of this may have been said before but if more than one person says it guess that means you need to consider right? ;)
MoneyGame Staff
Quoting XDCD:
- CEO of a bank doesn't get the notifications from loan applications like the director does.
- The added 'estimated value' column on auctions doesn't show up on mobile (vertical view), no scroll bar (does show on horizontal view).
- Possibly extend auctions by a few minutes if the last bid is within X min of ending, keep extending till no bids for X minutes.
- Add a notification when you're outbid on an auction and/or when winning an auction.
- Possibly show Director / CEO jobs separate from worker jobs in the 'companies & jobs' window (much like how 'owned companies' is separate).
- When advertising it has the option to advertise on the 'business index' page, if this is the 'all companies' page it doesn't show the ads.
- Everyone has a 'credit rating' that says: 100% of 5 payments' (even dead players), that doesn't seem right.

- Fixed!
- There's just no space in a vertical view. This happens on some other pages too.
- Will consider!
- Added to TODO.
- Will consider!
- Business Index is the page where you land if you click on "Business" in the main menu.
- Fixed!

Quoting MysticBix:
-Adding more helps but there needs to be limitations to stop monopolies. Monopolies suck I'm bad at that game xD
-Create values for items based on how much money is moving in the game and possibly add minimum/maximum values to sell items. I personally don't like min/max in games but it can be changed later once things are more balanced.
-Add more cheap items that's needed and can be bought from the game rather than a player owned company. Put a limit on how much of these items are available at a time and how much you can buy and allow it to be traded. This can be another way for new players to make cash.
-Maybe make it possible to sell items to the game? There will be less profit than from selling to players but until there's actually more players to buy the stuff piling up it can be a solution.
-Add a way to sort auctions by company, place, etc.

Thank you for the feedback. These things are taken into consideration as I work on the next update.
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