Community » Forum » Announcements » Small November Patch

MoneyGame Staff
Hello again.

Today, a tiny patch was released.

From now on, you can work your worker jobs every day instead of every 24 hours. UTC is the timezone used to determine what day it is. Please let me know quickly if there are any issues with this new system!

Transactional emails should work again - this means things like activating your e-mail address and receiving notifications when you are about to die.

A couple of other minor things were also fixed.

Millionaire   VIP
Thanks Gluten appreciate the updates

Could be just me but I am not able to work every job continuously. I can work one then it says I have completed the jobs fir the day, from the dashboard I can the work another.

I am also unable to consume boost, possibly that will function after working 10 jobs.

Note: could also be that jobs after 10 are not “workable” yet, not sure as I usually queue all jobs to work once per day
MoneyGame Staff
I made a fix to the company work page now, so that it should properly link to your next job directly. Can you confirm whether this works better now?

Does consuming a boost drink give any error message?

Edit: Turns out I forgot about boost drinks and they were still on that 24 hour schedule. Should be fixed to being daily now.
Mogul   VIP
Quoting Gluten:
Hello again.

Today, a tiny patch was released.

From now on, you can work your worker jobs every day instead of every 24 hours. UTC is the timezone used to determine what day it is. Please let me know quickly if there are any issues with this new system!

Transactional emails should work again - this means things like activating your e-mail address and receiving notifications when you are about to die.

A couple of other minor things were also fixed.


About almost die or alert about low health?
MoneyGame Staff
Small change made now: Debt is now removed from a bank's net worth. This should reduce the amount of "fake" money included in net worths. Please let me know if something went wrong with this change, maybe we can move back to the old way if need be.
Mogul   VIP
Quoting Gluten:
Small change made now: Debt is now removed from a bank's net worth. This should reduce the amount of "fake" money included in net worths. Please let me know if something went wrong with this change, maybe we can move back to the old way if need be.

Mogul   VIP
Hello, Everyone.